Three Ways to Enhance Your Homepage

check it out guys! if you don’t already know how to amplify your website, then take a look! News

Many people turn to to set up a website: either one that moves the blog from the homepage to showcase work in a different way, or off the site entirely to create a brochure site for their business. Today, we’ll look at three ways to make your homepage even more awesome.

(If you’re new to, welcome! Here’s some information about setting up a homepage on your site.)

Create a synopsis in your sidebar

textwidget When someone lands on your homepage, you have but a few seconds to help them understand precisely what your site is about. Text Widgets are a great way to display a few sentences that describe your site or your business offering, list your address and hours of operation, or even share a customer testimonial.

To add a Text Widget, go to Appearance → Widgets to drag the Text Widget into your sidebar and customize the…

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